Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rantings of a frustrated manager

For all of you managers or trainers out there, help me out. When someone says they learn best when they see something in writing and you start writing things down or emailing them so they understand the detailed instructions... but they still don't get it... what do you do next? I have worked with a lot of different personalities and understand well that everyone learns differently. However, on a couple of occassions I have been completely perplexed and at my witts end.

When explaining a task or expectation to an employee, I like to use varying techniques for those that learn differently... some are visual learners, some auditory, and some are hands-on. So, if I explain something to someone verbally, follow that up with having them take notes and explain it back to me, and then have them watch me do a task and then allow them to do the task while I watch, and follow that up with an email with detailed directions... HOW ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH CAN THEY NOT UNDERSTAND IT AFTER ALL OF THAT??!!?!?!

Any suggestions?

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